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As a practising teacher-librarian, Megan Daley has some tips and tricks for how to make the most of your school library and teacher-librarian. As an ambassador for the MS Readathon, she has some thoughts on how it can help your child to develop empathy for...

Diane T writes about her twins, one of whom has Down syndrome. They have a unique bond and they complement each other so well. For a few hours, I was just like any other first-time mother – exhausted, elated, overwhelmed and very much in love with...

Today’s dads are eager to have a connection with their babies, and Richard Fletcher looks at how the bonding process works. Parents are often unaware how much babies want and actively seek a close connection with their fathers as well as their mothers. When talking to fathers-to-be...

This is one of the easiest and quickest pasta dishes you can make. The word “orecchiette” means “little ears”, a reference to the pasta shape. Lucio thinks they look more like tiny bowls, each one ready to hold a few drops of sauce. They originated...

Michelle Mitchell looks at ways you can help your child become more resilient when faced with the dramas and self-doubt of growing up. “Our poor little girl is being called dumb at school. She’s becoming really anxious about going to school and also being away from...

As the weather starts to warm up in Spring, we look at some ideas to keep kids away from their digital devices! Gardening gives children a sense of responsibility and accomplishment and makes learning about the environment and the connection between plants and people fun. By encouraging...

It’s not easy to accept that your baby must undergo surgery, writes Jennifer Hardy. At the 19-week scan of my pregnancy, the technician told us that our baby had an extra ureter. The ureter is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. There should...

The digital device is impacting Aussie family’s ability to take time over their meals and enjoy a proper conversation. The art of lively laughs and long dinnertime discussions are disappearing in Australia. In stark contrast to days gone by, new research* shows only three in ten...

The change from single-use plastic bags has helped provide funding for another round of grants for a sustainable hands-on project for schools and preschools. Woolworths and Landcare Australia are inviting Australian primary schools and early learning centres to apply for a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants grant...

If you could tell your dad anything, what would it be? A new book of letters collected by Samuel Johnson has just been published to raise money for cancer research. Dear Dad edited by Samuel Johnson OAM (published by Hachette Australia, RRP $22.99) Available in-store and online...