In this article, Anju Regis + Shivonne Cammell share their thoughts on what parents can do to help their child move through this traumatic time in their young lives. “I know Mummy and Daddy are fighting, even when they think I don’t, and it makes me feel...

After some initial anxiety, Donna Webeck draws the line at forcing her son to write before he is ready. His H appeared more like a spirograph than the eighth letter of the alphabet. On we went for another 10 painful minutes until it became clear I...

Many games begin when I am busy on the computer, on the phone or having a sleep-in. And once they get going it seems very party-pooperish to put a stop to it. ‘Shops’ is one of my pet peeves. This is where the girls gather...

Dyslexia is a complex and much misunderstood condition, writes Karen Thomson. A number of experts refer to dyslexia not as a disability but rather an alternative way of thinking, or a ‘learning preference’. However, as reading and writing underpins most subjects taught in school, dyslexic children...

Michaela Fox learns about the serious side of fun in the pre-school years. Before my daughter turned two, she could recognise and recite every letter of the alphabet. “She’s gifted,” people would say. I wondered if they were right. She showed a natural inclination for learning, and...

Like a smoker trying to quit who needs to avoid any activities usually associated with cigarettes, we’ve changed some of Zoe’s routines so there isn’t such a big hole left by the missing dummy. My three-year-old daughter had spent the last 40 minutes lying in the...

This easy-bake recipe is also suitable for those with egg, nut or dairy allergies....