Early Diagnosis Can Prevent Lifelong Disability Juvenile arthritis (JA) is a painful and often misunderstood disease that affects around 30,000 children and young adults under 24 in Australia. Despite being one of the most common chronic childhood conditions, it is frequently overlooked—sometimes even by healthcare professionals—leading...

Here’s how to break the nit cycle, writes scientist Cameron Webb Wrangling head lice, and the children they infest, must be up there with the most challenging duties a parent or carer has to face. And the job is getting harder. Commonly used chemical products aren’t working...

Concerningly, nearly a quarter of Australian teens admit they frequently find ways to get around blocks that stop them from accessing certain sites or content. Young Australians Skirt Online Restrictions, Sharing Sensitive Data A new UNICEF Australia survey reveals that while most young people understand online risks,...

Joseph Kelly’s cunning plan to outsource the breaking of his daughter’s television habit backfires. It’s amazing how quickly rituals develop with kids. With my eldest daughter, Maisie, we have the breakfast ritual (Mum gives cuddles, Dad makes food), the bath-time ritual (Maisie and baby Frances sit...

Business owner and single mother Kate Heussler talks about how vital financial planning is, as she prepared to became a solo mother. Pregnancy: Preparing for the Unexpected Money conversations matter If you have a partner, discussing finances before pregnancy is essential—covering expenses, parental leave, emergency savings, shared domestic...

Looking for more lunch box goodies. Try these simple and healthy muffins from Donna Hay. Ingredients 2 Cups (320g) Wholemeal Self-Raising (Self-Rising) Flour ½ Cup (85g) Rapadura Sugar (available at supermarkets and made from evaporated cane juice). 2 Eggs 1 Cup (250ml) Buttermilk ⅔ Cup (160ml)...

Australian families are choosing private schools more than ever before – we need to understand why, reports Sally Larsen The shape of Australia’s school system is undergoing a significant change. Enrolments in independent schools are growing, while fewer students attend public schools. Why are more families choosing...

Researchers Kelsie Boulton and Adam Guastella ask if apps and digital resources can support your child with autism or ADHD. Neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism affect about one in ten children. These conditions impact development, behaviour and wellbeing. But children with...

Nial Wheate looks at the drug Visanne. It's for endometriosis and has just been added to the PBS. The drug Visanne (also known as dienogest) is the first endometriosis treatment to be added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in 30 years. Endometriosis is a chronic and...