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Chart your fart’: CSIRO calls Aussies to track flatulence for science In a uniquely Australian twist on citizen science, CSIRO, the nation’s leading science agency, is inviting people to track their farts to help researchers better understand gut health. This unusual yet important project aims to...

Victorian students will get ‘anti-Tate’ lessons, report  Stephanie Wescott, Alexandra Phelan, Naomi Pfitzner, Sarah McCook and Steven Roberts  – but much more is needed The Victorian government has announced new teaching resources to tackle the influence of “manosphere” figures, such as Andrew Tate, in the state’s...

In Norway, students get grades for their behaviour—could this work in Australia? Researchers Stephen Dobson and Corey Bloomfield think there is some merit in it. Student behaviour is one of the biggest issues facing Australian schools. A survey of Queensland teachers earlier this year found that...

Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) has announced the children and young adult books for the 2024 ARA Historical Novel With prize money of $150,000, the ARA Historical Novel Prize gives Australian and New Zealand historical novelists the chance to be recognised in a class of...

Sarah Jefferson looks at why Schools tend to discourage students from repeating and what choices parents have. We are in the last stretch of the school year and just weeks away from final reports. For some students, results may indicate serious gaps in skills or knowledge. This...

I think my child might need a tutor. Matthew White looks at what parents need to consider first? School tutoring is a huge business. Australian estimates suggest it was worth more than of A$1.5 billion as of 2021. In Australia, we see frequent media reports of parents...

There are some myths about reading that tend to be perpetuated relentlessly. One of them: That graphic novels* don’t count as “real reading.” However, teachers and literacy experts disagree with this. Graphic novels will improve your child's reading skills like any other book would, and they are fantastic...

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a common but relatively unknown disability that affects about 1 in 14 children. Despite its prevalence, many Australian teachers haven’t heard of the disorder, much less know how to help a student living with DLD. The DLD Project Foundation is pushing for...

A Free educational teaching course to tackle declining financial literacy rates in Australian children, has been launched. Financial Basics Foundation has launched Cashed Up, a free suite of financial literacy courses designed for Australian high school students. Supported by Australian Retirement Trust, the program aims to address...

Formal music classes are not the only way to enjoy the rhythms of life, writes Linda Wyrill. As an early childhood music educator, I am intensely aware of the benefits of music to children’s development – especially from the ages of zero to six. Most parents...