Research by Anabela Malpique, Deborah Pino Pasternak and Susan Ledger, shows children produce better pieces of writing by hand. But they need keyboard skills too Children today are growing up surrounded by technology. So it’s easy to assume they will be able to write effectively using a...

Kim Hemsley, Nicholas Smith and  Siti Mubarokah look at how new research could help. “Childhood” and “dementia” are two words we wish we didn’t have to use together. But sadly, around 1,400 Australian children and young people live with currently untreatable childhood dementia. Broadly speaking, childhood dementia...

A recent study from the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre at Charles Darwin University has revealed that private midwifery programs in Australia provide better outcomes for mothers and their babies compared to the national average. This could be exciting news for prospective parents considering their maternity...

Monash University researchers have identified several barriers that people experiencing infertility face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and have proposed practical solutions to address these challenges. The study highlights that individuals with infertility often lack knowledge and opportunities in the following areas, which impede their ability...

A new study hopes to find out, reports researcher Dr Elena Schneider-Futschik, Medications for cystic fibrosis are currently only approved for children over two, but new research aims to guide the safe use of treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Just five years ago, starting a family was...

Body dissatisfaction is stopping nearly half of young people in Australia from going to school. The Butterfly Foundation's recent Body Kind Youth Survey has highlighted a troubling trend in body dissatisfaction among young people in Australia. The survey, involving nearly 3,000 respondents, revealed that over half...

Expelling students for bad behaviour seems like the obvious solution, but is it really a good idea? Researcher Linda J. Graham asks. Two male students have been expelled from a Melbourne private school for their involvement in a list ranking female students. The two were part of...

Many schools say yes, but the answer is not so simple, writes Catherine E. Wood Should my twins be in the same class at school? As a clinical psychologist specialising in twins, this is one of the most frequent questions parents ask me. Many schools continue to separate...

Jessica Kean, Helen Proctor and Kellie Burns look at the history behind one of the biggest debates in education. When students walked through the sandstone gates of Sydney’s Newington College for the first day of school earlier this year, they were met by protesters. A group of...