Stuttering is a common speech disorder that interrupts speech fluency and tends to cluster in families, write Angela Morgan and Michael Hildebrand Typically, stuttering is characterised by speech sounds, words or syllables, which may be repeated or prolonged, as well as speech that may be further...

Viewing our media from a child’s perspective can be alarming, writes Wayne Warburton. Since the start of the year, we have witnessed a series of natural disasters, both here and overseas. We have watched families dislocated and financially ruined as floods swept through parts of Australia....

Researchers Maria Nicholas, Andrew Skourdoumbis  and  Ondine Bradbury look at ways gifted students can be better supported now the NSW Government rolls out their new program. Earlier this month, the New South Wales government announced it would roll out programs for gifted students in every public school...

Dr Brendan Churchill and Professor Leah Ruppanner look at the future of work for women. So much of the debate around the future of work has us thinking far into the future– to workplaces unimaginable and to jobs that very few of us feel we are...

How can we protect ourselves with a surge in cases since the beginning of the year? Laurence Don Wai Luu looks at how to protect your family Australia is facing a whooping cough outbreak. Some 2,799 cases were recorded in the first three months of 2024....

‘Why did he Leave Me?’  is one, reports researcher Lauren Breen, Death and grief are not easy to talk about. Talking to children about these can be harder still. Our instinct to protect children from harsh realities means we might avoid these topics altogether. But, as we...

Covering everything from anxiety, depression, trauma and eating difficulties, to understanding neurodivergence and gender identity Dr Jo Prendergast's new book 'When Life Sucks' is an essential guide for parents and carers looking to understand what's going on in their teen's mind. This is an extract...

A bumper Bluey episode is about to hit screens, writes Divna Haslam. This special episode of the hit kids show will premiere on April 14. The episode will run for 28 minutes, which is four times the usual length of a Bluey episode. My kids are...

As the holidays progress, parents will no doubt be hearing a classic line from their kids: “I’m boooooored”, writes Trevor Mazzucchelli. We all get bored from time to time, and there is nothing particularly wrong with feeling bored. In fact, it is a useful emotion because...

Elise Waghorn asks do we stop to consider what distressing media is doing to our kids? While much attention has been drawn to the detrimental impact of violent video games on children’s developing brains, there has been relatively little discussion regarding the negative effects of news and...