Kindness not only makes us feel good, science says it may also be good for our health....

Young Australians increasingly get news from social media, but many don’t understand algorithms, write researchers Tanya Notley, Michael Dezuanni and  Sora Parr. Adults might assume young people are not engaged in current affairs. But our survey reveals most Australian children and teenagers have a significant interest in...

Covering everything from anxiety, depression, trauma and eating difficulties, to understanding neurodivergence and gender identity Dr Jo Prendergast's new book 'When Life Sucks' is an essential guide for parents and carers looking to understand what's going on in their teen's mind. This is an extract...

There are going to be many times in your child's life when you won't have control of stopping bad influences. But there are a few solutions that may help some of today's modern-day problems....

Did you know that the way you dispose of used batteries can have a significant impact on the safety of your family and the environment? B-cycle, Australia's government-backed battery recycling scheme, has released crucial research that reveals how millions of Australians may not be aware of...

Researcher Liam Burke looks at why Australian parents want locally made TV for their kids Australian kids today have greater access to screen entertainment than any generation before. Across smartphones, tablets, laptops and the old-school TV set, streaming services mean there is an endless supply of...

Parenting teenagers is more challenging than ever. A new book by Eileen Berry, called Teens 101 combines all her previous guides into a compendium covering all the bases about being a teen. Now, more than ever, parents are looking for support and guidance. Known for its...

Antibiotics for common childhood infections is no longer effective and antibiotic resistance  is threatening children's health In a recent study led by the University of Sydney, alarming rates of bacterial resistance to common antibiotics for children and babies have been discovered in the Asia-Pacific region. The...

The Murdoch Children's Research Institute study in 2019 found that it’s very common to experience difficulties with infant sleep at some point in the first year, with about 60 per cent of mothers reporting mild or fluctuating problems. But for 20 per cent of mothers,...

Missing or hard-to-find food product information can have immediate and long-term health and safety consequences. In the age of COVID and lockdowns, online grocery shopping has become a lifeline for families across Australia. It's incredibly convenient to order everything you need with just a few clicks,...