Educators David Wylde and Marilyn Heins discuss the differences between boys and girls and how they affect how we raise them. How Male and Female Brains Process Emotions Differently It is known that there are differences in development and function between male and female brains. In most...

With a new school term starting how can you tell if your child is ready for a smartphone? Asks Joanne Orlando. What are the alternatives? The start of the school year means some parents will be asking a big question: is it time for a child’s...

Watch shows together, talk about them and have dance parties, writes Jennifer Stokes As January lingers, families may find themselves struggling with what a friend of mine has labelled the “electronic nanny”. Children have been out of their normal routines for weeks during the holidays. Some have...

Specialists recommend you consider the following when shopping for school shoes especially for your child: Shoes with arch support and cushioning will protect the joints and ligaments throughout a range of activities, by distributing pressure across the foot. Adjustable fastening mechanisms (such as velcro or...

Ellen Notbohm argues that we need to understand the causes of inappropriate behaviour in children with special needs, and examine what our own behaviour is telling them. Teaching appropriate behaviour is always at the forefront of discussions about raising children, particularly children with autism or ADHD...

Researchers Kelsie Boulton and Adam Guastella ask if apps and digital resources can support your child with autism or ADHD. Neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism affect about one in ten children. These conditions impact development, behaviour and wellbeing. But children with...

Suzan Morgan is in a dilemma over school fundraising. The Unrelenting Pressure of School Fundraising Events It’s lovely to see my six year old bounding out of school, a happy smile on her face. What a pleasure to see education having that effect on her demeanour, I...

Ben Zunica and Bronwyn Reid O'Connor break down the reasons why boys seem to be outperforming girls in maths. A major international test has revealed a concerning gender gap in maths among Australian school students. In the 2023 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Australia’s...

 Try asking them what they are looking forward to, writes Samantha Vlcek By next week, most schools will start to return for term 1. This can be a nervous time for some students, who might be anxious about new teachers, classes and routines. Returning to school after...

Kylie Ridder looks at how to handle it when your child doesn’t want you to go You’re doing daycare or school drop-off, you’re already late for work, and your child’s lip starts to quiver. A tremble turns into a wail, a wail into heart-rending cries as...