In Australia, the corporal punishment of children is legal, writes Sophie Havighurst. Parents can still wash their child's mouth out with soap. In all states and territories, parents or carers are permitted to punish children using physical force with the intent to cause some degree of...

Marc Cheong, looks at 4 ways to take control of social media algorithms and get the content you actually want Whether it’s Facebook’s News Feed or TikTok’s For You page, social media algorithms are constantly making behind-the-scenes decisions to boost certain content – giving rise to...

But what do families want from apartments? ask Nicole Cook, Shanaka Herath and Sophie-May Kerr The family-friendly apartment is an idea whose time has come. In the Liverpool CBD in Sydney, for example, half the apartments are occupied by families with children, our newly published study...

As Mother's Day approaches this Sunday, it's important to remember that for some, this day can be a painful reminder of loss and grief. Miscarriage is a common experience that affects many women and their families, and the lack of support and resources can make it...

Emotional abuse is a pattern of hurtful messages, report Divna Haslam, Alina Morawska and James Graham Scott,  building parenting skills could help prevent it. When people think about child maltreatment, many think of physical or sexual abuse. But a key finding of our Australian Child Maltreatment Study,...

Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer, writes Nathan Kilah and Peter Rutledge To a young mind, science can be magical. Perhaps you remember a visually striking or seemingly inexplicable scientific demonstration from your own...