Two – thirds of children are wearing the wrong shoe size report Paediatric Podiatrists The Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) has launched a Back to School campaign aimed at educating parents and caregivers on the importance of selecting the right school shoe and the perfect fit. Your feet...

Social Worker, Priscilla Dunk-West gives some practical advice for parents. In Australia, around 21,000 divorces involving children occur annually. Separation and divorce can be an emotionally exhausting and difficult time, something which is recognised by the Family Court of Australia, which provides resources to assist people...

A push to raise the school starting age to 6 sounds like good news for parents, write Amanda Niland and Marianne Fenech. But there’s a catch The decision about whether to send a child to school “early” or “hold them back” can be a tortuous one...

Here’s how to protect the kids’ mental health, writes Rachael Sharman There’s an annual underground phenomena happening right now around Australia: couples who have decided to separate, but are putting on a happy face to perform their final Christmas as an intact family. January is known...

After a spate of drownings over summer, research has revealed the reasons why people continue to swim at unpatrolled beaches, despite the warnings. With approximately one in five of NSW’s 721 beaches having lifeguards and surf lifesavers, chances are that thousands of holidaymakers will be swimming...

Here's how you can help, writes Mandie Shean Starting school is an important event for children and a positive experience can set the tone for the rest of their school experience. Some children are excited to attend school for the first time, yet others feel anxious. Back...

 And that has a downside says researchers Mark Wooden, Esperanza Vera-Toscano  and Inga Lass Data from the HILDA (Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) Survey released recently show the proportion of Australians working “most hours” from home jumped from around 6% before the pandemic to...

 From nausea to constipation and farting, Vincent Ho and Kate Levett look at what's going on in a mums gut after baby's birth It’s two weeks after the birth of your healthy bub and you notice your gut isn’t feeling quite right. Maybe you feel a bit...

Holding a conversation, working in a group, giving constructive feedback and dealing with conflict are vital interpersonal skills that contribute to an empowered and connected life, reports Dr Matthew Harrison While some people seem to acquire these skills effortlessly, others facing social challenges can require additional...