Curiosity is a hallmark of children and a key learning process in the early years, writes Anna Girardi Children, especially toddlers and preschoolers, have an uncanny ability to surprise adults. And one of the more alarming discoveries parents can make is their child has stuck a...

It’s not just the obvious, writes Nathan Kilah When shopping for a laundry detergent, the array of choices is baffling. All of the products will likely get your laundry somewhat cleaner. But what gets the best outcome for your clothes and your budget? Do you want whiter...

Regular lessons have paused – but your kids should still practise their swimming this summer, advises Amy Peden Many swimming schools have temporarily closed for the summer holidays. But this doesn’t mean you should take a break from helping your kids learn how to swim. What can...

It's due to serious side effect like hallucination fears, report Pharmacologists Nial Wheate, Jasmine Lee and Tina Hinton. Here’s what to use instead. Australia’s drug regulator has issued a safety warning over the medicine Phenergan and related products containing the antihistamine drug promethazine. The Therapeutic Goods Administration...

 Support must respond to identity-based distress and foster belonging. Report by Oliver Eastwood A child’s life is turned upside down when one of their parents is murdered by the other parent or their partner. They suddenly lose not only the victim – usually their mother – but...

Andrew Woods and Willa Maguire prepare 10 essentials for your first aid kit≥ Summer is here and for many that means going to the beach. You grab your swimmers, beach towel and sunscreen then maybe check the weather forecast. Did you think to grab a first aid...

I’m a children’s writer – and celebrity children’s books undervalue my craft, writes Penni Russon I have been an editor and author of children’s and young adult books for over 20 years. I’ve taught writing for children and young adult fiction to hardworking and serious emerging...

Ant stings can be painful, writes Sam Robinson. Here’s how to avoid getting stung this summer (and what to do if you do) With the start of summer just days away, many of us will be looking forward to long sunny days spent at the beach,...

If not, writes  Jessica Holloway, what should a parent do? NAPLAN 2024 results for individual schools were released recently. This follows national and individual student results earlier in 2024. This is an opportunity for schools to identify areas for growth or improvement. But while these results can provide...

Ask their teacher these questions instead, writes Jonathan Heard, Australian Council for Educational Research As school wraps up, families around Australia will be receiving their children’s school reports for the second half of 2024. This is the key way schools communicate with parents about how students are...