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After a dramatic year in which Elizabeth Reed introduced her son to all manner of sporting pursuits, he made it quite clear he wanted to write his own script.  Ten years ago we had our first child, a son. Obviously he would enjoy sport; all boys...

Rebecca Chaney questions the tendency to fill children’s waking hours with structured activity. “Don’t be mean,” a friend said recently. I know she was only joking, but her words still hurt. I did feel mean, and guilty, but I wasn’t going to budge. My son wants to...

The kids who’d get the most out of extracurricular activities are missing out, report Alexander William O'Donnell  and  Gerry Redmond One-third of Australian children aged 12 to 13 in low-income suburbs do not take part in any extracurricular activities. That’s 2.5 times as many as those...