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More than one billion young people around the world are now shut out of classrooms due to the COVID-19 pandemic, report Amy Graham and Pasi Sahlberg. Even in Australia where many schools remain open, many parents have chosen to keep their kids home. Some Australian non-government...

Access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for young children with disability is not equal across Australia. Where you live can hinder access to information about disability support, assistance to apply for it, and timely access to services report Karen R Fisher and Nirosha...

Making better use of Australia's top teachers will improve student outcomes. Here's how to do it reports Peter Goss, Grattan Institute Australia must do better in school education. Following our worst ever results in international tests last year, politicians are keen to act, and quickly. But...

If you’re assessing your child care options for next year, now is the time to find out how the Government’s new child care package will work for your family....