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Holding a conversation, working in a group, giving constructive feedback and dealing with conflict are vital interpersonal skills that contribute to an empowered and connected life, reports Dr Matthew Harrison While some people seem to acquire these skills effortlessly, others facing social challenges can require additional...

Josephine Barbaro and Marie Camin suggest the earlier the better With better awareness and acceptance, approximately one out of every 50 children is receiving an autism diagnosis. More and more families are deciding when to share this information with their child. Some parents worry that doing...

Sleep strategies and simple bedtime routines can improve sleep in autistic children, reducing anxiety and enhancing family wellbeing, a new Monash University study reveals. The largest study of its kind into sleep problems in children on the autism spectrum, led by Monash University’s Professor Nicole Rinehart, found...

Kids on the autism spectrum experience more bullying. Schools can do something about it, write researchers P. Daniel Lin and Valsamma Eapen Children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, experience various types of challenges at school. This might be due to communication, and also relationships...

Much of the research about including children with autism in mainstream classrooms is focused on school-aged children.Writes Kristelle Hudry and Cathy Bent Growing numbers of children with autism are diagnosed in toddlerhood, so there is increasing relevance for the early-childhood sector. Our new research shows, with...

 A $1 million grant is changing young autistic people's lives for the better. NDIA Quarterly Reports reveal that in regard to autistic people aged 7-24, 32% have no friends outside of family and paid support, 67% have not accessed a community or social event in the...

When Lori Butler’s son is diagnosed with autism, it sheds new light on her family. Three years ago my youngest son, Callum, was diagnosed with autism. The diagnosis was a huge shock to my husband and me. In fact, when it was even suggested we get...

Autism is still underdiagnosed in girls and women, report Tamara May and Carol A Adams. That can compound the challenges they face. Being autistic, but not diagnosed, can lead to a lifetime of struggles and being misunderstood for women. This issue has been highlighted in the last...

Therapy for babies showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of clinical diagnosis at age 3, reports Andrew Whitehouse, Jonathan Green and Kristelle Hudry. A therapy for infants showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of the child meeting diagnostic criteria for autism at...