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New research by Francisco Perales, Ella Kuskoff,  Michael Flood and Tania King, shows how young men ‘copy’ their fathers’ masculinity Today’s men express their maleness in different ways. Some adhere to more traditional models of masculinity, characterised by beliefs in male superiority and endorsement of risky...

Megan de Beyer introduces her modern mother's guide to raising teenage boys in the current#metoo #allmenaretrash era with a look at Parent-Adolescent Communication While discussing parent-adolescent communication with Grade 9 boys, Jason asked them to answer the following four questions. After ten years of speaking to...

Megan de Beyer introduces her modern mother's guide to raising teenage boys in the current#metoo #allmenaretrash era with her new book 'How to raise a Man' Are you operating from a fear-based parenting style? When your son tells you a story, what is the attention you bring...

There is a sense of urgency, says Maggie Dent, for the need to raise our boys to be happy, healthy men. As a former teacher, counsellor and mother of 4 boys, Maggie certainly has become a 'boy champion', much needed in our current culture. In her...