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Australian teenagers are curious but have some of the most disruptive maths classes in the OECD, writes researcher Lisa De Bortoli Australian teenagers have more disruptive maths classrooms and experience bullying at greater levels than the OECD average, a new report shows. But in better news, Australian...

5 questions your child’s school should be able to answer about bullying, write researchers Nina Van Dyke and Fiona MacDonald As children returned to classrooms in 2024, school communities confronted bullying in person and via technology. In-person bullying and cyberbullying affect significant numbers of children and young people...

New research unveiled on the occasion of headspace Day has revealed a concerning trend among young Australians. It appears that a significant portion of our youth prefers to grapple with their emotional issues in solitude, often driven by apprehensions about societal judgment. The implications of this...

Due to the increasing stressors within society,  writes Dr Marg Rogers, more parents and carers are reporting their child has been affected by trauma. The child (and possibly family members) may have been exposed to trauma through: refugee experiences (e.g. war, terrorism, famine, dangerous journeys, persecution, detention...

In the world of Cub Scouts, the message is clear: bullying has no place. We are excited to share with you an important collaboration between Scouts NSW and renowned author Susanne Gervay aimed at educating our young Cub Scouts about bullying, its identification, and how to...

Dolly’s Dream has partnered with the Telethon Kids Institute to get Beacon, the free cyber safety app, into the hands of parents and carers nationwide. The newly introduced Beacon app offers a lifeline to parents and caregivers, providing essential resources to tackle the growing threat of...

Educational psychologists Herb Marsh  and Johnmarshall Reeve, look at how teachers can  foster a classroom anti-bullying climate. Your child comes home from school and tells you three classmates are teasing her constantly. One even put chewed gum in her hair as she was listening to the...