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Researcher Marg Rogers, looks closer at the report and also at why educators are leaving in droves The Productivity Commission has just released a major report as part of its inquiry into early childhood education and care. The draft recommendation that all children under five should...

Yes, childcare is costly, writes Ben Phillips but nowhere near as costly as recent reports suggest Childcare in Australia is generally regarded as expensive. And it’s true that prices charged by some centres, particularly long daycare centres, can be pretty steep, climbing to as much as A$200...

Fees keep climbing, and the Australian consumer watchdog is only halfway through an inquiry into childcare prices, reports Danielle Wood The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s interim report was released on Wednesday. It comes just days after the federal government’s increased childcare subsidies kicked in on...

Researcher Peter Hurley, reports that about 9 million Australians, 35% of the population, live in neighbourhoods classified as childcare deserts – populated areas where there are more than three children per childcare place. In the first research of its kind in Australia, the Mitchell Institute has...