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5 questions your child’s school should be able to answer about bullying, write researchers Nina Van Dyke and Fiona MacDonald As children returned to classrooms in 2024, school communities confronted bullying in person and via technology. In-person bullying and cyberbullying affect significant numbers of children and young people...

Dolly’s Dream has partnered with the Telethon Kids Institute to get Beacon, the free cyber safety app, into the hands of parents and carers nationwide. The newly introduced Beacon app offers a lifeline to parents and caregivers, providing essential resources to tackle the growing threat of...

ReachOut Parents is partnering with Instagram Australia to launch a new ‘Parents Guide to Instagram’. Mental health service ReachOut Parents has released new research showing that approximately one-third of Australian parents are concerned about their teens' use of social media and are unsure about the role...

Children, like adults, are spending more time online. At home and school pre-schoolers now use an array of apps and platforms to learn, play and be entertained. While there are reported benefits, including learning through exploration, many parents are still concerned about screen time, cybersafety...

Schools are no different from any other part of society, writes Jane Wilkinson. They have their issues, challenges and a wide variety of human nature. In late October 2019, Victorians were shocked to hear of sustained anti-Semitic bullying occurring in two public schools. The Victorian Education...

Whether at work, school or at home, writes Professor Michael E. Bernard, bullying has the potential to greatly wound victims – in whatever form it takes: physical, verbal, social exclusionary or online. When someone more powerful says derogatory things about you, applies pressure on you to...

Researchers call for a policy shift on bullying that will focus on years 3 -8 of schooling. Remote learning and physical distancing during COVID-19 may have a disproportionate effect on students during this critical developmental phase News in brief: A significant number of students in the...