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Why we need to focus more on the needs of children in domestic and family violence responses, writes Silke Meyer In 2015, domestic and family violence (DFV) was declared a "national emergency" in Australia, with its impact on women and children costing the country an estimated A$22...

We’re all feeling the collective grief and trauma of violence against women – but this is the progress we have made so far, report Anastasia Powell and Asher Flynn It has been a particularly distressing start to the year. There is little that can ease the...

CONTENT WARNING: Physical violence, graphic violence; violence against women and children. Monash academic Steven Roberts’ life is littered with experiences of family violence, witnessed growing up, and perpetrated against him. By talking about it, he’s hoping to draw attention to the need for men to speak...

The media reporting of domestic violence is important and needs to be responsible if it is to avoid fuelling or excusing violence, write Kristin Diemer and Cathy Humphreys The shocking murders  (19 February 2020) of Hannah Clarke and her three children, Trey, Laianah, and Aaliyah, by...

With so much data released about family, domestic and sexual violence, it can be difficult to see how it all fits together, writes researcher Daryl Higgins The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has attempted to do this with a new website that tells the...

Why it’s time to focus on the perpetrator when tackling domestic violence. Reviewed by Camilla Nelson You will not sleep if you read Jess Hill’s new book. Nobody should. Anybody familiar with Hill’s work as an investigative journalist will have seen her Walkley Award-winning reports on family...

Zoë Krupka writes that learned helplessness has entered our vernacular and swallowed up socially accurate explanations for violence The story of how psychology framed women for their own assaults began, as so many of psychology’s stories do, with some trapped animals. In the late 1960s, psychologist...

Stephanie Brown and Deirdre Gartland look at how intimate partner violence affects children’s health Childhood should be a happy and carefree time, but often it doesn’t work out that way. Children are exposed to all the stresses and strains that affect the families and communities in...