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Some men may shudder at the thought of “the snip”, reports James Dunn, but vasectomies are a safe and effective form of contraception for men who have completed their family, or don’t wish to have children. Medicare data show more than 25,000 Australian men have had...

Since the birth of his daughter, followed by the arrival of his son, Rob Sturrock has focused on being an active and present father. But this isn’t always an easy road for dads. Fathers face stereotypes, judgement and isolation – particularly around paternal leave.  Recently...

Stepfamilies provide opportunities for men to review the roles they have adopted as partners, fathers and caregivers, argues Steve Martin. Men face the challenge of looking into themselves for a sense of identity and strength rather than relying only on external, culturally prescribed definitions of their...

When paediatrician Mark Nethercote underwent his own IVF quest to become a dad, he wrote about it as therapy. Here is an extract from his eye-opening, funny, and beautifully written story....

ARIA-nominated musician, creator of eBook Elliot Foxley, and father Stavros Yiannoukas, or Stav talks to us about how his family and even Aristotle inspire his work....

Many of the subjects considered taboo in modern parenting are remarkably common. Perhaps you're ‘guilty’ of a few? ...