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What you need to know about a vital part of your womb (and how to look after it) by Louise Hull and Sarah Robertson Human reproduction completely depends on the healthy function of an underestimated but vital organ: the endometrium. This is the spongy tissue that...

Katharine Kemp reports, including data on sex, periods and pregnancy New research reveals serious privacy flaws in fertility apps used by Australian consumers – emphasising the need for urgent reform of the Privacy Act. Fertility apps provide a number of features. For instance, they may help users...

Researchers Violet Kieu and Kate Stern remind you that you should discuss fertility first! Not all Australians with cancer are getting the fertility care they need. In 2022, it is predicted more than 8,200 Australians under 40 – in their reproductive years – will be diagnosed with...

The proportion of Australians who are overweight or obese is at an all-time high, writes Karin Hammarberg. We know excess weight is linked to many adverse health consequences, but there's now growing understanding that it also affects fertility. A fine hormonal balance regulates the menstrual cycle....

Daniel Donahoo believes men must get more involved in discussions about children, family and work. Becoming a dad is an important decision in any man’s life. It is a major event that helps shape the rest of their lives. Yet, while there is no shortage of...

An obstetrician and gynaecologist explains some of the issues around falling pregnant later in life....