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Can you spot a gifted child? It's not easy, writes Kerry Hodge, but it’s important that parents and teachers recognise and develop their exceptional abilities. When you have known hundreds of children, your memory of some of them – however engaging they were – gradually fades....

Researchers Maria Nicholas, Andrew Skourdoumbis  and  Ondine Bradbury look at ways gifted students can be better supported now the NSW Government rolls out their new program. Earlier this month, the New South Wales government announced it would roll out programs for gifted students in every public school...

Addressing the Neglect in Australia's Education System Do you suspect that your child may be gifted? Are you concerned about their educational needs and the support they receive at school? You're not alone. In Australia, there is a pressing issue of neglecting the needs of gifted students...

Addressing the Neglect in Australia's Education System Do you suspect that your child may be gifted? Are you concerned about their educational needs and the support they receive at school? You're not alone. In Australia, there is a pressing issue of neglecting the needs of gifted...