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If a baby is unsettled and a poor sleeper, an allergy or intolerance to something in mum’s diet and passed on through breast milk could be the underlying cause, writes Joy Anderson. Your baby is awake and crying again for another breastfeed! Even if carried all...

Senaka Ranadheera gives some helpful tips on how you can keep your fruit, veggies and herbs fresh longer We all know fresh produce is good for us, but fruit, vegetables and herbs have a tendency to perish quickly if left uneaten. This is because even after harvesting,...

Through their entrepreneurial journeys, two mothers have inspired many and demonstrated the profound impact that one person's idea can have on the lives of countless others. In a heartwarming tale of ingenuity and determination, two Aussie mums are revolutionising the lives of other mothers with their...

As COVID cases rise again, Lara Herrero looks at where they have come from, and if they are a cause for concern. We’ve now been living with COVID for well over four years. Although there’s still much to learn about SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID)...

When a child gets admitted to hospital for their asthma, write Dr Katherine Chen and Professor Harriet Hiscock, it is an opportunity to make a plan for staying out of hospital too. Asthma is the most common chronic illness in Australian children, affecting one in...

  Linda Gallo and  Shelley Wilkinson are concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. Growing a healthy baby relies on getting enough nutrients while pregnant. But rather than following a healthy diet to provide those nutrients, we’re concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. These...

Kim Hemsley, Nicholas Smith and  Siti Mubarokah look at how new research could help. “Childhood” and “dementia” are two words we wish we didn’t have to use together. But sadly, around 1,400 Australian children and young people live with currently untreatable childhood dementia. Broadly speaking, childhood dementia...

A recent study from the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre at Charles Darwin University has revealed that private midwifery programs in Australia provide better outcomes for mothers and their babies compared to the national average. This could be exciting news for prospective parents considering their maternity...

Has the use-by date gone past its prime? Asks Penny Wilson  and Will J Grant Consumers need more useful information about assessing the freshness and safety of food products. Picture this: you arrive home from work feeling a bit peckish. Sliced mango and a dollop of yoghurt...

Researchers Laura Marchese and Katherine Livingstone  looked at 700 plant-based foods to see how healthy they really are. Here's what they found. YesPhotographers/Shutterstock If you’re thinking about buying plant-based foods, a trip to the supermarket can leave you bewildered. There are plant-based burgers, sausages and mince. The fridges are...