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Many people think having a healthy baby is all that matters, particularly for couples who have struggled to conceive, but for some parents-to-be gender disappointment can seriously affect their mental health....

It’s time to kill the outdated platitudes around what it takes to be the perfect mother. Or at least tune out their noise.


We all have potential, or so the rumour goes. If someone asked you to explain what potential is exactly, what words would you use?...

What would you do if your child rejected the gender they were born with? Parents’ unconditional love and support is the underlying basis for a happy transgender child....

Tess Guinery, Visual Communicator and Designer, is one of our 2016 CHILD mags + Bugaboo bloggers, sharing her thoughts on Motherhood + Identity and losing perfection....

Becoming a parent doesn’t mean giving up who you are. Mother Suvi Mahonen shares her story of finding her identity and learning from her mistakes....

Ten years in, one mum realises she does have a choice between work and family. This is her story...