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From March 13, NAPLAN testing for 2024 will begin, writes Rachel Leslie. Over the following two weeks, all Australian students in years 3,5,7 and 9 are expected to sit tests in literacy and numeracy. Results are then aggregated for schools and other demographics and made public....

Jessica Holloway looks at why we need to go beyond the headline figures This year’s national NAPLAN results are out, with the news only two-thirds of Australian students met minimum achievement levels in literacy and numeracy. The headlines are everything we would expect them to be –...

Jessica Holloway, Glenn C. Savage and Steven Lewis search for some answers. Australia’s education ministers have recently announced changes to NAPLAN that will start right away (2023). These include bringing the testing date forward and changing the way results are reported. According to the ministers: These new...

‘Stop measuring black kids with a white stick’ Carly Steele, Graeme Gower, Rhonda Oliver and Sender Dovchin look at how we can make assesmenS fairer for ALL. In the title we quote Michelle Martin (with her permission), who is a proud Kija woman and passionate educator. She...

Early childhood education and care is widely regarded as helping children’s academic, cognitive and social development. Callie Little and Brian Byrne report the results of their recent study. Our study, published in the journal Behavior Genetics, looked into whether attending preschool or childcare influences later academic achievement. We...

The spread of COVID-19 has had dramatic impacts on our schooling system, including the cancellation of the 2020 NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) test. The decision was made to allow for school leaders, teachers and staff to transition to...