The Trouble With eParenting
Our generation of parents is trailblazing what it means to raise kids that have access to the internet. That includes everything from social media and online pornography, to violence and trolls....
Our generation of parents is trailblazing what it means to raise kids that have access to the internet. That includes everything from social media and online pornography, to violence and trolls....
Children diagnosed with ADHD inconsistently take their prescribed medication, going without treatment 40 per cent of the time, a new study led by Murdoch Children's Research Institute has found. Research at a Glance: Melbourne led study finds children with ADHD go off their medication on average...
Lisa Johnson hopes to give her children the gift that money can’t buy – the confidence to be themselves. … my daughter has always been true to herself and not worried about what others think of her...
Belinda Cuomo, Annette Joosten, and Sharmila Vaz look at how to notice developmental delays in a child It’s your three year old’s birthday and he’s having a party with his daycare friends. You watch as the other three year olds ask for more cake and answer...
Working shifts and raising a family can be a struggle, but there are ways it can be managed....
It seems kind of simplistic but you would be surprised how many squabbles it applies to....
Beatrix Hooper* looks at the years of anxiety and tears her family spent, searching to get the correct diagnosis for her son's behaviour. Part one: The Years of Frustration ‘Yes, your child has autism,’ the psychologist told us. I couldn’t help it. I burst into tears. Even though I...
Stranger danger can be a difficult subject to address with children. A child and family psychologist recommends taking a different approach from those used in the past....
Stepfamilies provide opportunities for men to review the roles they have adopted as partners, fathers and caregivers, argues Steve Martin. Men face the challenge of looking into themselves for a sense of identity and strength rather than relying only on external, culturally prescribed definitions of their...
Summer holidays are the perfect chance for parents to try more positive reinforcement, says Clinical psychologist Renee Mill as she considers how it affects children’s self-esteem. Being realistic is often hard for parents because they truly want to boost their child’s ego, and worry that being...