5 Ways To Recognise Mental Health Issues In Your Child
What do you do if you think your child has a mental illness?...
What do you do if you think your child has a mental illness?...
Back in July 2019 we invited every interested Australian to complete the First National Working Parents survey and the full Report will be released in November. The national survey has found 62 per cent of parents and carers report difficulties looking after their own physical...
With Halloween once again upon us, as parents it pays to refresh our knowledge on the effect of sugar on children and their bodies' reactions to a sugar overdose. There is dissent among health professionals as to whether or not an unstable supply of glucose in...
Everything was going smoothly with toilet-training – until Nicola Wells’s daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia. I deal with my three-and-a-half-year-old son’s wet pants. I know he won’t be toilet-trained in a week, but he will get there. Some kids seem to be toilet-trained in a few days:...
A little-known form of child abuse - parental alienation - is tearing up Australian families and denying children the love of both their parents. Melbourne dad Stan Korosi hasn’t seen his 18-year-old daughter for 10 years. He went through a difficult divorce and was horrified when his...
Melbourne father Dr Matthew Roberts found a magazine article about climate change helped him think through his own climate panic. On climate change it seems the world of the adults is split in two, between those of us in various degrees of denial and those of...
Since Linda Wyrill’s son doesn’t conform to standard developmental milestones, she seeks out others willing to help him bravely go where no child seems to have gone before. Yes, my son is wonderfully creative. But to think outside the square, he would first have to be...
A shocking shortfall in the care provided to the 3,000 children suffering from Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) in New South Wales (NSW), has been highlighted by Minister for Health and Medical Research, Brad Hazzard in response to Parliamentary questions, according to Peak Body, Arthritis New...
Dr Sam Tormey reports on a disease commonly associated with older people, but which can occur in children. Andrew was limping, but nobody could remember how or when he had hurt himself, and it wasn’t the first time his mum had noticed him walking with difficulty....
Concepts of friendship, kindness and inclusion are becoming more important in our increasingly angry world. These picture books for the young offer a range of ways that we can look at improving their understanding of these concepts as they grow up. Who’s Afraid of the Quite...