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Research hints children under 5 can easily confuse dog emotions, Melissa Starling finds. To most of us, a dog showing its teeth is a pretty clear signal of a threat. In 1872, Charles Darwin first suggested animals showed emotions similar to ours in their body language,...

The arrival of two guinea pigs marks the end of Jodie McEwen’s pet procrastination. I’m just not an animal person; love of creatures is not in my nature. My dad tried to pass on his love of animals, so we had rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds,...

Wouldn’t it be great to know what your pet is thinking? Pei-Yun Sun, Professor Uwe Aickelin, Rio Susanto and Yunjie Jia look at a new App that may help! And, yes, dogs are easier to read than cats. The new app uses artificial intelligence to analyse...

RSPCA Victoria has  launched Animal Wellbeing: Awareness, Responsibility, and Education.  'AWARE', is a free online education program for students and teachers that improves animal welfare knowledge while supporting learning outcomes outlined in the Victorian Curriculum. The aim of AWARE is to help young people develop...

The term being ‘cooped up’ has taken a whole new meaning for Aussies during the COVID- 19 pandemic as chickens become a family favourite in the pets department. In fact, Google reported that search terms for ‘live chickens’ were at an all-time high over the...

Purrfect! Cat lovers will enjoy these feline-friendly finds that you can accessorise, hang on the wall or decorate your home. ...