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Every now and again we get a flurry of books aimed at helping parents and carers work through the various stages of child raising. This selection of books offer ideas, thoughts and encouragement to assist parents and teachers navigate through these, sometimes awkward, periods. it's a girl...

My daughter started to describe me as disabled long before I was ready to do so myself, writes Shakira Hussein For several years after my diagnosis with remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis, the most I was prepared to concede was that I had “a potentially disabling disease”, and...

Tania Ferfolja  and Jacqueline Ullman report on the outcome of their study of over 2,000 Australian parents Debates about how schools acknowledge gender and sexuality diversity have been ongoing in Australia. It’s often claimed parents oppose the inclusion of gender and sexuality diversity content in the...

Ruth Jeanes,  Justen O’Connor,  Dawn Penney,  Ramon Spaaij, Dr Jonathan Magee, Dr Eibhlish O’Hara and Lisa Lymbery,  report on the need for informal sport opportunities in Australia Statistics show a continued decline in organised sport participation over the past decade, with the Intergenerational Review of Australian...

Shankari Chandran draws the positives from potential negatives. On 18 October 2003 at precisely 8.24pm, I unreservedly loved my mother-in-law (who I call Mum). At 8.25pm, I handed our newborn daughter to her, and as Mum tenderly cuddled her, I felt an uncomfortable tingling sensation. I...

And why those conversations are important. By Nicole Racine, Camille Mori and Sheri Madigan, University of Calgary The early months of 2022 have already included several distressing world events. From the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to protests against vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions, to the Russian invasion...

‘We get the raw deal out of almost everything’ Lucas Walsh, Beatriz Gallo Cordoba, Blake Cutler, Cathy Waite and Masha Mikola look at the Australian Youth Barometer Young people today are coming of age in the middle of a global pandemic, soaring house prices, an unpromising job...