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Louise Grimmer has found some ideas from the Netherlands that might help. Even before COVID-19, social isolation and loneliness were all too common across the community. Living among millions of other people is no comfort for people in cities, where the pace of life is often...

Last month, writes Arjuna Dibley, a significant victory for climate change was won behind closed doors. In 2020, Katta O’Donnell, then a 23-year-old university student in Melbourne, launched a world-leading class action lawsuit against the Commonwealth government. O’Donnell alleged that she and other investors in Australian-issued bonds...

‘He was horrific!’: Nearly two thirds of family historians are distressed by what they find, reports researcher Susan Moore In 1853, my great great grandmother Charlotte died giving birth to her 13th child, in a tent on the banks of the Yarra River in what is...

Big W has withdrawn Welcome to Sex from its stores to protect staff – but teen sex education can keep young people safe, reports Emma Whatman Teaching young people about gender, sex and sexuality has long been controversial. The most recent debate is over Dr Melissa Kang...

Strangers are not the only ones looking for likenesses between Nerissa Marcon and her children. It has suddenly dawned on me that I no longer notice the curious glances strangers give my children and me as we meander around the shopping centre. I guess it has...

Zoë Krupka writes that learned helplessness has entered our vernacular and swallowed up socially accurate explanations for violence The story of how psychology framed women for their own assaults began, as so many of psychology’s stories do, with some trapped animals. In the late 1960s, psychologist...

Scouts from across the state engaged in amazing snow-filled adventures as part of Scouts NSW’s Alpine School from 10-16 July, 2023. More than a traditional ski trip, overnight skiing treks, cross country skiing, snow shoeing and alpine survival activities challenged Scouts aged 11-26 years. NSW Scout Leaders,...