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Kerry Littrich has finally found the right answer to the dreaded question. It’s the question every stay-at-home parent dreads: “So, what do you do?” Pause. Slow intake of breath. I cook and clean and shop. I buy gifts and organise parties. I sing nursery rhymes and dance...

Emotional abuse is a pattern of hurtful messages, report Divna Haslam, Alina Morawska and James Graham Scott,  building parenting skills could help prevent it. When people think about child maltreatment, many think of physical or sexual abuse. But a key finding of our Australian Child Maltreatment Study,...

Brendan Gleeson believes it’s time for families to break out of the confines of our current culture. We are seeing the progressive closure of the human imagination. Sociologist Michael Pusey spoke about the withering of the Australian political imagination since the rise of economic rationalism, while...

We have put together a list of our favourite podcasts that cover all things motherly....

 Teachers should only be the first part of the solution, report Brian Moore and Sarah Redshaw. They are not trained as mental health practitioners. Schools are an obvious place to do mental health work with young people. This is important, as about one in seven young...

Rose O'Rielly spends time with her grandchildren during the holidays and everyone learns a thing or two! During the summer holidays, Dan taught our grandchildren how to play darts. He showed them games he’d learned at bush pubs as a young man, such as Rings and...

Educational psychologists Herb Marsh  and Johnmarshall Reeve, look at how teachers can  foster a classroom anti-bullying climate. Your child comes home from school and tells you three classmates are teasing her constantly. One even put chewed gum in her hair as she was listening to the...

Researchers Georgia Middleton,  Eloise Litterbach, Fairley Le Moal and Susannah Ayre ask is eating together regularly as a family really a simple solution for improving health and wellbeing? We have been told that to achieve these proposed benefits we must follow an idealistic, age-old formula: all...

Christine Kininmonth wants her kids to enjoy city living – and the country life. My friend used to have a poster on her wall: “If it matters then it matters. If it doesn’t matter then it doesn’t matter.” Sage words to me, a working mother of...

As she helps her daughter pack to go away to university, Alex Field reflects on their close relationship and shared experiences. I am helping my daughter pack for her first year of university. I am sending her off into the world armed with her belongings in...