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Researchers Rebecca English, Chris Krogh, Giuliana Liberto, and Karleen Gribble say, Australia needs more flexible options  Schools were thrown into a spin by the COVID-19 pandemic. When children were sent home to learn remotely, teaching methods remained largely the same. Many children, parents and teachers were...

Hamish McCallum explains How will Delta evolve? The COVID-19 pandemic is a dramatic demonstration of evolution in action. Evolutionary theory explains much of what has already happened, predicts what will happen in the future and suggests which management strategies are likely to be the most effective. For...

 But we can learn from the real thing, writes Nicole (Nikki) Brunker. Adding to the clamour of argument over whether schools should be open to all during lockdown is confusion in terminology. Using the term “home schooling” to describe schooling during lockdown is disrespectful to both...

Students won’t get through all school content while learning at home, reports Alison Willis As children learn from home, parents are effectively running two schedules – work and school. Some children may not be able to get through all the work their school assigns in the...

Nicholas Gamble, Christine Grové, Emily Berger, and Kelly-Ann Allen, suggest there are 5 things to consider! Homeschooling registrations for children in Victoria in 2020 grew by almost four times the rate of the previous year, recent reports show. Some families who had children learning from home during...