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We have a new way of looking at data that shows what’s working for Indigenous school kids and what isn’t, write Peter Anderson, Kerrie Mengersen, Owen Forbes and  Zane M. Diamond Every year, NAPLAN tests are used to see how Australian students are tracking in reading,...

For parents facing the heart-wrenching uncertainty of infantile epilepsy, a beacon of hope has emerged. An international breakthrough study, published in The Lancet Neurology, unveils the remarkable potential of rapid genome sequencing in transforming the lives of babies battling epilepsy. Imagine the ordeal of witnessing your newborn's...

Boys perform better than girls in tests made up of multiple-choice questions, says Silvia Griselda. Multiple-choice questions are considered objective and easy to mark. But my research shows they give an advantage to males. I compared around 500,000 test results of boys and girls who sat the...

Academics David Trembath, Andrew Whitehouse, Hannah Waddington, and Kandice Varcin, examined the research evidence on 111 autism early intervention approaches. Here's what they found. Every parent wants the best for their child on the autism spectrum, but navigating the maze of interventions can be tiring, costly...

Separated parents in Australia are becoming increasingly better at negotiating shared care arrangements for their children, writes Dr Esperanza Vera-Toscano Back in 2001, only 26 per cent of children with a non-resident parent (overwhelmingly the father) were spending at least one night a week with that...

A new study has confirmed what researchers already suspected to be the case: heat inactivates SARS-CoV-2 in human milk. A team of medical researchers has found that in human milk, pasteurisation inactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, confirming milk bank processes have been safe throughout the...

‘A real-world trial has tested the effectiveness – and revealed the challenges – of adapting behavioural therapy to the online world. Families in regional and rural NSW have gained virtual parenting support through a live trial led by researchers at UNSW Sydney. The findings were...

It was heartbreaking to watch helplessly as my gregarious little girl, turned into a shy, introverted child in the space of a year, writes Emily Weight. When Daisy started to talk, she was the usual noisy toddler, making sounds and gurgling away. She was a very...