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Lots of kids are ‘late talkers’, writes Suzanne Meldrum. Here’s when to take action As a speech pathologist, university lecturer and parent of young children, I often get asked a version of the following: My child isn’t talking yet. Is that a problem? And is it my...

Early intervention is most important, writes Catherine Best. Every parent cherishes their child’s first words, those meaningful, gabbled sounds that chart their development from passive infant to interacting person. Speech and language define how we engage with the world and are the building blocks of learning,...

Sometimes behavioural issues may mask a deeper language problem in children, writes speech pathologist Karen James. I love being a speech pathologist. Twelve years of working with people of different ages in health, disability, school and community settings has taught me the importance of communication in...

Developmental language disorder or DLD is a lifelong disorder that affects language comprehension and expression. Linda J. Graham and Haley Tancredi People with DLD find it more difficult to say what they mean and to understand others. About two students in every classroom of 30 will have...