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Where is the money from your chocolate bar going?  Stephanie Perkiss, Cristiana Bernardi and John Dumay look at this year's 'Chocolate Scorecard'. Each Easter, we spend about $62 a head on chocolates, but the cost of buying unsustainable products can be far greater Australians enjoy chocolate, consuming, on...

Did you know the average Australian purchases 27kgs of textile per year and throws out 23kg? Monash Business School students are diverting up to two tonnes of textiles from landfill by encouraging the community to donate unwanted clothing and textile items, and teaching students as young...

Join Planet Ark to help change student perceptions about waste and develop lasting recycling habits with the Schools Recycle Right Challenge. The Schools Recycle Right Challenge, Monday, October 3 to Friday, November 11 2022, is an opportunity for students and teachers to learn crucial lessons at...

Which 'milk' is best for the environment?  Dora Marinova and Diana Bogueva compared dairy, nut, soy, hemp and grain milks Making eco-conscious choices at the shops can be tricky when we’re presented with so many options, especially when it comes to milk. Should we buy plant-based milk,...