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Why is sustainability important to Australian parents and their families? This month we're asking an eco-friendly blogger to share why she thinks green living practices begin at home....

This is the second part of a list of Sustainability Reading provided by Fremantle Library, that every child should read by the time they get to high school! This is a compilation of resources for children (primarily for ages 3-10) on various environmental concepts such...

 Here's the bitter truth about chocolate reports Stephanie Perkiss, Cristiana Bernardi and John Dumay. The coronavirus might make Easter celebrations a little subdued this year, but that doesn’t mean going without chocolate eggs. In fact, South Australia’s chief public health officer Nicola Spurrier reportedly said people...

We chat to Dave Ingham aka ‘Mr Chicken’ about his favourite backyard pet chooks, and how they can help your garden as well as being a great companion for kids, plus a few housekeeping tips....

11 ideas and resources to get our kids' excited about exploring nature again....

From Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree to the Swiss Family Robinson's hand-built home, Bron Bates has been enchanted with treehouses ever since she was a child. She's hunted down five amazing Australian tree dwellings you can stay in....

The City of Sydney has pruned the red tape so residents can green up their streets and community spaces....

A sensory environment has many benefits and promotes inclusion for all children, including those with a disability or mental illness. ...

Just because you live in an apartment doesn't mean you can't make friends with nature daily. Growing plants is a fun and simple way to teach kids about sustainable living, while they have fun getting their hands dirty....