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Can you spot a gifted child? It's not easy, writes Kerry Hodge, but it’s important that parents and teachers recognise and develop their exceptional abilities. When you have known hundreds of children, your memory of some of them – however engaging they were – gradually fades....

Supporting them to work together could help, report  researchers Andrew Kingsford-Smith,  Hoa Nguyen,  Rebecca J Collie  and Tony Loughland Australia is in the grips of a teacher shortage “crisis” according to Education Minister Jason Clare. Federal education department modelling shows there will be a high school teacher...

Boosting teacher well-being at the beginning of the term is crucial for ensuring a positive educational environment for students. According to research from UNSW Sydney, investing in teacher wellbeing not only benefits teachers themselves but also has a ripple effect on students and society as a...

Federal and state governments have just launched a A$10 million advertising campaign to “raise the status” of teachers in Australia and encourage people to consider a career in school education, writes Virginia Beal Called “Be That Teacher”, the campaign features emotive stories from eight real teachers...

In today's rapidly changing world, mathematics plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Using maths critically allows us to consider complex personal and socio-political issues, such as health, the economy and the environment, says Professor Kim Beswick, Director of the Gonski Institute and Head of the...

Benjamin Zunica,  Bronwyn Reid O'Connor and Eddie Woo look at how your child’s maths education might be very different from yours and how parents can help. There is a scene in the film Incredibles 2 where young Dash asks his dad Bob for help with his...

Many schools promote teaching the ‘whole child’, but to do this, education cannot only focus on knowing and doing – it must explicitly embrace being, writes John Quay. When we learn, we are knowing and doing and being - educators work with all three. While that...