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Chances are your child’s school uses commercial programs to support teaching. Why? ask researchers Amelia Ruscoe, Fiona Boylan and Pauline Roberts Australian primary schools are becoming increasingly reliant on commercial programs for teaching students. This means the content and the way students are being taught is...

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation Joins Telstra for DigiTalk The internet plays a significant role in our children's lives, making it crucial for parents and carers to ensure their safety online. While the internet offers benefits, it also presents risks like exposure to inappropriate content and...

The headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation conducted a survey of 3,107 young people, which revealed the following: Desire to Disconnect: Approximately 51% of the young people surveyed expressed a desire to disconnect from social media platforms. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Despite wanting to...

Marc Cheong, looks at 4 ways to take control of social media algorithms and get the content you actually want Whether it’s Facebook’s News Feed or TikTok’s For You page, social media algorithms are constantly making behind-the-scenes decisions to boost certain content – giving rise to...

Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer, writes Nathan Kilah and Peter Rutledge To a young mind, science can be magical. Perhaps you remember a visually striking or seemingly inexplicable scientific demonstration from your own...

Why is there no meaningful regulation of it? Catherine Jane Archer and Kate Delmo explore the phenomenon of “kidfluencers” and its impacts. Parents share content of their children for myriad reasons, including to connect with friends and family, and to seek validation or support. However, some parents...

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ever more prevalent in our lives, report Samar Fatima and Kok-Leong Ong. It’s no longer confined to certain industries or research institutions; AI is now for everyone. It’s hard to dodge the deluge of AI content being produced, and harder yet...

New UniSQ study first to explore Australian adolescents’ trolling experiences If you’ve ever thought that young online trolls are nothing more than pot-stirrers or mischief-makers who get a kick out of riling people up, you might be onto something. Trolling is an online antisocial behaviour that is...