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 A ‘Fiction Fanatic’ or a ‘Book Abstainer’? Researchers Leonie Rutherford,  Andrew Singleton, Bronwyn Reddan, Katya Johanson and Michael Dezuanni delve deeper and look how a parent can help. We know teenagers have busy and complex lives. School makes increasing demands on them, as do their social and...

Covering everything from anxiety, depression, trauma and eating difficulties, to understanding neurodivergence and gender identity Dr Jo Prendergast's new book 'When Life Sucks' is an essential guide for parents and carers looking to understand what's going on in their teen's mind. This is an extract...

 Start the conversation early, writes Nicole Lee, and be honest and avoid judgement With several drug overdoses already this festival season, and recent news of three new recreational drugs identified by the drug checking service in Canberra, many parents of teenagers will be wondering how they...

In part two of their report Marg Rogers and Margaret Sims  explore the cognitive similarities, share tips on building positive relationships, and provide ways to address the mental health and wellbeing of toddlers and teenagers. Educators and parents often complain about toddlers and teenagers. In the...

Equipping families to better support teenagers Monash University and headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation have joined forces to introduce an online parenting program aimed at bolstering parents' capacity to care for their teenagers' mental well-being. With research from headspace indicating that 80% of young people aged...

The transition into adolescence can be brutal for kids’ mental health, writes Zara Mansoor – but parents can help reduce the risk The transition from childhood to adolescence is a vulnerable time for the development of mental health difficulties and brings a marked increase in anxiety...

Recent discoveries about brain development have gone some way towards unlocking the mysteries of the teenage mind, writes Dr Tom Whelan.  The word puberty is derived from the Latin ‘pubescere’ which means ‘to grow hairy’. As such, it accurately signifies the beginnings of that strange and...

Tired and overwhelmed parents can be conflicted over how to deal with a teenager who refuses to go to school. How much should the child be pushed? write Dr Ginni Mansberg and Jo Lamble Case study: Overcoming school refusal Priya came to see me because her youngest...

Madonna King sought the counsel of 500 10-year-old girls, 1,600 mothers, and 100 Year Five school teachers for her new book, Ten-ager. Dozens of school principals, teen psychologists, doctors, researchers and female role models were also interviewed to provide a guide for parents helping tween...