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 Here’s what to expect next, report Kayleen Manwaring and Siddharth Narrain In the United States, 41 states have filed lawsuits against Meta for allegedly driving social media addiction in its young users (under the age of 18), amid growing concerns about the negative effects of platforms. The...

Covering everything from anxiety, depression, trauma and eating difficulties, to understanding neurodivergence and gender identity Dr Jo Prendergast's new book 'When Life Sucks' is an essential guide for parents and carers looking to understand what's going on in their teen's mind. This is an extract...

Parenting teenagers is more challenging than ever. A new book by Eileen Berry, called Teens 101 combines all her previous guides into a compendium covering all the bases about being a teen. Now, more than ever, parents are looking for support and guidance. Known for its...

A Wake-up Call for Parents: Understanding the Irreversible Impact on Young Lives Esra Haynes was a thirteen-year-old girl who recently lost her life to chroming—a drug craze that, according to recent studies, is increasing in popularity among young Australians. Esra was at a friend's sleepover when she...

For many kids, the period between childhood and early adolescence can be difficult, report researchers Associate Professor Vanessa Cropley, Dr Maria Di Biase and Rebecca Cooper This transitional period is commonly known as ‘pre-adolescence’ and can be a vulnerable time for the development of mental health...

Deborah Cooke compares the terrible twos with the unwitting feral 14s A lot has been written about the ‘terrible twos’, when your adorable gurgling cherub suddenly morphs into a bewildering admix of Norman Bates from Psycho, that nice girl from The Exorcist and Kim Kardashian (without...

ReachOut Parents is partnering with Instagram Australia to launch a new ‘Parents Guide to Instagram’. Mental health service ReachOut Parents has released new research showing that approximately one-third of Australian parents are concerned about their teens' use of social media and are unsure about the role...

Madonna King sought the counsel of 500 10-year-old girls, 1,600 mothers, and 100 Year Five school teachers for her new book, Ten-ager. Dozens of school principals, teen psychologists, doctors, researchers and female role models were also interviewed to provide a guide for parents helping tween...

My favourite detective: Trixie Belden was smart and sensitive in the ways that mattered, writes Tanya Dalziell Trixie Belden, girl detective, does not rank in the world’s pantheon of cool sleuths. She’s unlikely to appear in a Coen brothers’ film (à la Marge Gunderson in Fargo...