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I’m not sure I remember all that much about my late 90s undergrad education, but I have no difficulty recalling a lecture on the evils of Barbie. Complete with slideshow.So, the rhetoric goes, Barbie – in all her thinness, her whiteness, her youth and her...

Melissa Cowan reflects on the power of real friendship. "There's someone outside my window. Can you come over?" It was 3am, I was home alone and I was sure there was an intruder outside. I crawled on the floor in the pitch black, got my phone and called my friend Becky, who lived at...

We speak to an Adelaide mother and policewoman Gabby Fox* about the personal cost in keeping Australian families safe....

“It’s of the utmost urgency that we educate our young women and men about the consequences of objectification and sexist language."
