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What are the unexpected challenges faced by Australia’s homeless women? asks Melissa Cowan Have you ever stopped to notice that the homeless people you see on the streets are mostly, if not always, men? Given that every night there are over 45,000 women experiencing homelessness in...

‘Devastated and sad’ writes researcher Ian Jacobs, after 36 years of research shows early detection of ovarian cancer doesn’t save lives My colleagues’ and my efforts to develop a screening test for the early detection of ovarian cancer capable of saving lives arrived at a sad...

‘Brain fog’ during menopause is real, Caroline Gurvich and Chen Zhu – it can disrupt women’s work and spark dementia fears For nearly two-thirds of women, menopause comes with an undesirable change in memory. Despite great progress in understanding the medical aspects of menopause – a natural...

An Australian doctor is urging women to remain alert for symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition impacting one in 10 Australian women but goes undiagnosed in 70 per cent,  which can lead to serious health issues and infertility. Implement a management plan...

Just don’t douche! write Naomi Strout and Mathew Leonardi. Researchers in the UK recently discovered a rapid test that checks the vaginal microbiome and can detect risks of preterm birth. Usually, tests to check the microbiome are complicated and it takes a long time to get...

Endometriosis: gene identified which could be potential treatment target – Krina Zondervan and Thomas Tapmeier report on a new study Up to 10% of women experience endometriosis worldwide. The condition is chronic, extremely painful, and can result in infertility. Endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the...

One-third of Australian women experience an unintended pregnancy in their lifetime, writes Danielle Mazza, with rates of unintended pregnancy higher among the socio-demographically disadvantaged, and those living in rural areas. One in three of these unintended pregnancies results in abortion, with almost half of women who...

Lockdown doesn’t change the important health checks we should all have, even when we are healthy, writes Andria Aird. Regular health checks can quickly identify health issues for prompt treatment. This includes getting appropriate vaccinations, checking blood pressure, cholesterol and addressing any lifestyle factors. Some...