23 Sep Book Review: Ash Barty
Ash Barty, Global super star tennis player, who knew exactly when to retire and live her most fulsome family life.
She has been busy since she retired-marriage, baby AND books-lots of them! A proud First Nations woman, Ash is committed to creating sport and education opportunities for youth in communities around Australia. A passionate reader and advocate for children’s literacy, Ash published her autobiography My Dream Time in 2022. Prior to that she collaborated with Jasmin McGaughey and Jade Goodwin, to write her best-selling Little Ash series for ages 5 and up.
She has also just published a very readable Young Reader’s version of her autobiography for kids 9+
Ash Barty: Champion. Young Readers Edition
by Ashleigh Barty, pub. HarperCollins, p/b RRP$22.99. Ages 9+
This is a great read for all ages, but it is aimed to inspire kids to do what they love and see where it can take them.
Ash’s is humble story, about a kid with drive and determination, who loves tennis but is knowledgeable enough to know when to listen to those who love her and encourage her to show her competitive best without appearing to be disrespectful.
Little vignettes are scattered throughout her story like being grumpy one match aged 10, and losing whilst playing an older boy. She threw her racquet on the court in anger. Her coach Jim pulled her off the court admonishing her, and her father told her if she broke her racquet, she wasn’t getting a new one! She also recalls the physical hurt she was going through to win the Australian Open (in 2022), knowing that she was probably going to retire immediately after this match.
Her story in this version is easy to read and follows the ups and downs of her career. Her ‘Team’ surrounding her, supports her in her journey and are always giving Ash sage advice that any young person would understand.
Other books by Ash Barty:
My Dream Time
by Ash Barty, pub. HarperCollins, p/b RRP$49.99. Adult
The Little Ash Series
Little Ash Puppy Playtime!, Little Ash, Party Problem! Little Ash, Lost Luck!, Little Ash, Friendship Fix-it!, Little Ash, Tennis Rush!, Little Ash, Goal Getter!, Little Ash, Perfect Match! Little Ash, Lost Luck!
by Ash Barty, Jasmin McGaughey , Illus. by Jade Goodwin. pub. HarperCollins, p/b RRP$22.99. Ages 5+