The recent Women’s Health Week (6 - 10 September 2021) highlighted the pressures and stereotypes within society that are underpinning a health crisis amongst women.  The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified this issue, demonstrated by a global study by Deloitte finding that 23% of women are considering...

What potential might there be for creative reciprocity between artists and young children? Can we create space for intellectually rich, thoughtful, deep and complex early childhood visual arts pedagogy for the very youngest children in Early Childhood Education and Care settings and museum and...

Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO) has launched an important program that promises to connect with all Queenslanders, harnessing the power of music to bring about healing, hope and happiness in our communities.  QSO’s Health & Wellbeing Program was launched at QPAC with the full orchestra in attendance,...

It may come as no surprise to dog owners in lockdown, writes Jessica Oliva, but walking the dog can be the highlight of the day. With exercise being one of the few reasons for leaving the house for millions of Australians, walking the dog clearly benefits...

Today’s Australian fathers are believed to be more “hands on” and engaged with their children than the stereotypical absent breadwinner of generations past.  Kate Murphy and Alistair Thomson studied 100 years of Australian fatherhood. However, their research exploring Australian fatherhood between 1919 and 2019 has found...

The Secret is Out! Kindicare reveals Australia's best childcare centres Childcare app KindiCare today reveals the winners of the first ever KindiCare Excellence Awards for 2021, crowning the nation’s top early childhood education and care centres. Best in Australia is Goodstart Early Learning Tuggerah, with a KindiCare...

Twin sisters build a post-apocalyptic sanctuary on a tiny island in this year’s spine-tingling Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year for Older Readers. The End of the World is Bigger than Love by Davina Bell weaves together dreams with a fearsome reality,...

After the initial excitement of meeting your new baby, you often experience a period of feeling exhausted, tense and even stunned, once the day-to-day routines of caring for a newborn become a reality. Everyone will tell you, and it’s absolutely true, that no one can prepare...

The Art Gallery of New South Wales is delighted to announce the winners of the ninth annual Young Archie competition, a nation-wide portrait challenge encouraging children and young people to unleash their creativity. Inspired by Australia’s oldest and most-loved portrait award, the Archibald Prize, which is...