The Shortlist for the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards was announced Tuesday 30 March, celebrating a wild year of storytelling about everything from lost souls to a party-crashing cockroach. CBCA Chair Wendy Rapee said authors and illustrators worked in physical...

Raise healthy, adventurous eaters and help prevent food allergies One of the most anxiety-provoking parts of becoming a new parent can be starting a child on solids. While allergies affect only a small percentage of children—about 4-8 per cent under the age of 5—numbers continue to...

Children with same-sex parents get higher scores on standardised tests than children with different-sex parents. Report Jan Kabatek, and Francisco Perales.  This is the key finding from our study just published in the journal Demography. We also found children with same-sex parents to be slightly more...

Crafting and art work can be very rewarding for children on many levels, says clinical psychologist Renee Mills. It can help you connect with your kids by just spending time with them. Whether it’s fathoming up a new Easter hat design for the annual school Easter hat...

Childhood is an important time for healthy development, learning, and establishing the foundations for future wellbeing. Most Australian children are healthy, safe and doing well. However, childhood is also a time of vulnerability and a child’s outcomes can vary depending on where they live and...

Let’s start by putting aside the bugbear that it is even possible to “cancel” children’s author Dr Seuss, writes Kate Cantrell and Sharon Bickle As Philip Bump wrote recently in The Washington Post, No one is ‘cancelling’ Dr Seuss. The author, himself, is dead for one thing,...

 Families come in all shapes and sizes, writes Jacqui Tomlin. Something is happening in our house on weekday mornings. We call it Sock Torture. Our youngest started Kindy recently, and she’s loving it, but at either end of the school day she’s tired, and how shall...

From Norway to Vanuatu to Chile –  how does pregnancy differ around the world?   Sigrid Nordvik 32, NORWAY In Norway, you attend medical appointments every month with your doctor or the midwife. I could choose which one I wanted to see. We had two screenings, one around...

Early exposure to diverse story characters, including in ethnicity, gender and ability, helps young people develop a strong sense of identity and belonging. It is also crucial in cultivating compassion towards others, writes Ping Tian and Helen Caple. Children from minority backgrounds rarely see themselves reflected...

This article is not an argument for or against prenatal screening or testing for Down syndrome. Every week in my work as a clinical geneticist, I witness the trauma couples experience when making decisions about wanted pregnancies in which there is a problem with the...