It could be their superpower! Write Chloé Diskin-Holdaway and Paola Escudero Australia is a multicultural society. There are different traditions, cultures, accents and languages all over the country. The latest Census data show almost 30% of Australians speak a language other than English, or English and another...

Yang Yang shares how encouraging her daughter to ‘live bilingual’ carries on her culture. Communication has become difficult since my daughter Yolanda turned four last year. She switches to English when she feels she isn’t understood or can’t find the right Chinese word to convey her...

My favourite detective: Trixie Belden was smart and sensitive in the ways that mattered, writes Tanya Dalziell Trixie Belden, girl detective, does not rank in the world’s pantheon of cool sleuths. She’s unlikely to appear in a Coen brothers’ film (à la Marge Gunderson in Fargo...

The genius of Bluey isn't just in its characters and stories of family life. The hit show's soundtrack sets the mood, plays with the narrative and draws on classical scores Liz Giuffre Bluey is easily the most successful Australian television show of the last decade. A...

Results from the longest running large-scale international assessment of maths and science show Australia has significantly improved in Year 8 maths and science, and Year 4 science, reports Sue Thomson More than 580,000 students from 64 countries participated in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and...

Refreshing cocktails all day? Sign us up! HOW TO: Watermelon Spritz What you’ll need:      1/4 Watermelon      600ml Soda water, chilled      1/2 Bottle Prosecco, chilled (optional)      Juice of 2 limes      1/3 Caster sugar      1/2 Cup boiling water      Ice cubes     ...

It’s just over a week until Christmas, which means in about seven-and-a-half days, not long after Christmas lunch, there’ll be a good number of people slumping into chairs and loosening their waistbands before falling into a festive food coma. The condition’s less common, scientific name is...