News for New Parents: Australian Government Calls for Stronger Regulation of Infant Formula Marketing The government released a report about how infant formula is marketed here, and it’s a big deal for families with babies and toddlers. You might not have heard of it, but there’s a...

What is Anzac Day? Anzac Day, 25 April, is one of Australia’s most important occasions. Anzac Day is our day of national commemoration. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. ANZAC stands...

Blood protein could help detect delayed concussion recovery in children Researchers at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute have uncovered a promising finding that could change how we identify children at risk for prolonged concussion symptoms after an injury. What They Found: A specific blood protein called Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (alpha-1-ACT)...

Setting aside time to read during the week can be challenging. Fortunately, you only need 20 to 30 minutes of reading a day to boost your child’s literacy—and it’s up to you how you want to structure it!  Here are six expert-backed ways to read as...

Stuttering is a common speech disorder that interrupts speech fluency and tends to cluster in families, write Angela Morgan and Michael Hildebrand Typically, stuttering is characterised by speech sounds, words or syllables, which may be repeated or prolonged, as well as speech that may be further...

Viewing our media from a child’s perspective can be alarming, writes Wayne Warburton. Since the start of the year, we have witnessed a series of natural disasters, both here and overseas. We have watched families dislocated and financially ruined as floods swept through parts of Australia....

Researchers Maria Nicholas, Andrew Skourdoumbis  and  Ondine Bradbury look at ways gifted students can be better supported now the NSW Government rolls out their new program. Earlier this month, the New South Wales government announced it would roll out programs for gifted students in every public school...

Dr Brendan Churchill and Professor Leah Ruppanner look at the future of work for women. So much of the debate around the future of work has us thinking far into the future– to workplaces unimaginable and to jobs that very few of us feel we are...

How can we protect ourselves with a surge in cases since the beginning of the year? Laurence Don Wai Luu looks at how to protect your family Australia is facing a whooping cough outbreak. Some 2,799 cases were recorded in the first three months of 2024....

‘Why did he Leave Me?’  is one, reports researcher Lauren Breen, Death and grief are not easy to talk about. Talking to children about these can be harder still. Our instinct to protect children from harsh realities means we might avoid these topics altogether. But, as we...