Nishadi Withanage, Jessica Botfield and Danielle Mazza show optimising health before pregnancy can improve health outcomes for both the mother and her newborn. However, not everyone is aware of the need for good health before pregnancy – they generally start thinking about this during pregnancy. Modifiable risk...

Researchers Violet Kieu and Kate Stern remind you that you should discuss fertility first! Not all Australians with cancer are getting the fertility care they need. In 2022, it is predicted more than 8,200 Australians under 40 – in their reproductive years – will be diagnosed with...

Kris Bordessa’s sons have a tendency towards truncation in their communication The bright, bold colours of billboards and street signs intrigued my oldest son, Brad, long before he could read. “What does that say, Mum?” he’d ask from the back seat as we whizzed down the...

Does it matter? It's increasing, writes researcher Angela Brown Induction of labour for women having their first baby has risen in Australia from 26% in 2010 to 46% in 2020, according to the latest data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). This compares...

Sarah Pietrzak has learned that it’s best not to ask people, even friends, about their family planning. I could have bitten my tongue off after the words left my mouth, although I suspect that the person I was talking to would have happily done it for...

Martha Wegner and her daughter steer their way through the finer points of parking. It all started with my daughter turning 16. For those of you with a baby at your breast and a toddler playing havoc with the kitchen cupboards, trust me, these children will...

A new online tool has been launched to support expectant parents in their choices around prenatal testing for chromosome conditions in their unborn baby. It’s YourChoice, created by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and James Cook University, aims to guide pregnant women through the prenatal testing...

Whether it’s debilitating periods or depression during menopause, reports Jayashri Kulkarni, women with mental health problems are told to grin and bear it as their crushing emotions are “simply nature taking its course”. But what we now know, and science has told us, is that many...

On 15 October 2022– International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day – a new website from Monash University and Miscarriage Australia was launched. It fills a gap in Australia by providing evidence-based information and research for those affected by miscarriage. In Australia, around 285 miscarriages occur every...

Sheree Gleeson observes her sons and their friends as they negotiate their alliances. With four boys between us, the bond between my closest friend and I sometimes gets a robust work-out. Last week, Abby phoned. “I’m sending your two home and Finn to his bedroom,” she...