
Join the Conversation for Child Protection Week!

National Child Protection Week launched this week with a clear message that “every conversation matters”

2024 logoNational Child Protection Week kicked off on September 1st with a powerful message: “Every Conversation Matters”. Organized by NAPCAN, this week is all about engaging Australians to “Play a Part” in improving child well-being and safety across the nation.

This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of conversations in preventing child abuse and neglect before it starts. Whether it’s a chat with your child, a community dialogue, or a national discussion, every word counts.

To help spark these vital conversations, NAPCAN is hosting a free webinar series featuring experts on topics like digital safety and intergenerational solidarity. Plus, they’re launching new media guidelines at Parliament House to ensure respectful and impactful reporting on children and survivors.

Let’s start a new conversation this Child Protection Week—one that fosters empathy, understanding, and a commitment to creating safer futures for our children.

Watch the video with a message from our country’s leading advocates for children and young people

Resources for parents here

Get involved today and make every conversation count!
