29 Oct Spooktacular Safety Tips for Halloween
Halloween is an exciting time of year for children. Combine dressing up with going out after dark to collect treats and you have child heaven. Being mindful of potential hazards can help to make sure that everyone has a fun, spooky and safe Halloween.
Holly (9) and her younger brother Connor (5), love Halloween. They plan their costumes months in advance. “This year I’m dressing up as Cleaver the Clown. It’s pretty scary but I love it!” says an enthusiastic Holly.
Their Mum Brodie loves seeing the delight that Halloween brings to her children. However, she is also aware of the potential dangers involved with excited and unpredictable children (including the sugar rush). As a parent, she is mindful of what can be done to ensure everyone has a good time.
“It does get a little chaotic. So before we leave the house, we remind our kids about our important safety rules. Rules such as waiting for an adult before crossing the road, staying on the footpaths and looking out for cars in driveways”, said Brodie.
“We start trick or treating early, around 5:00pm, when there is still plenty of daylight. This way the kids are more visible and there are more families walking together.”
“We always ensure that a trusted adult accompanies the children and there is more than one adult if extra kids join our group.”
Adding some safety planning to your Halloween ‘to do’ list can help ensure the whole family enjoys the experience. We have put together some tips to help you in your preparations.
Kidsafe Victoria’s Halloween Safety Tips
Get clever with costumes
- No matter how cool your child’s costume may be, it shouldn’t forego safety. The brighter the better! Avoid costumes that are dark in colour, or apply reflective tape to your child’s costume to ensure they can be seen easily.
- Masks can make it harder for children to see or hear traffic. Face paint is a good alternative when considering costume options.
- Limit sharp and pointy accessories such as wands, swords and knives as they can pose safety hazards.
- Avoid long costumes that drag on the ground and pose a trip hazard.
Trick or treat with care
- Review safety rules, including staying with the group and crossing the road at designated pedestrian crossings.
- Before crossing roads, always look both ways and make sure an adult is supervising.
- Be careful in and around driveways. Driveways pose the same hazards as roads, so it’s important that children are always supervised by adults and that drivers take care.
- If you are driving on Halloween, be sure to take extra care and watch for children crossing the street.
Other Safety tips
- Be button battery aware. Novelty items that flash, make sounds or light up often contain these batteries. Products that don’t have secure battery compartments should be kept out of sight and reach of children.
- If you are decorating pumpkins, leave the carving to an adult. Let the kids decorate them in other ways such as drawing designs with markers or using glitter.
- Use candles with care. Never leave candles unattended or near flammable items like curtains. Always ensure they are out of reach of children.
- Watch out for treats that might pose a choking hazard for young children, like hard lollies, marshmallows or chewing gum. It’s best to avoid eating while walking or running. Save up all the treats to enjoy back at home!
Enjoy the fun this Halloween and stay safe to ensure everyone has a wicked time.