Statewide campaign to turn small change into big impact for sick kids

Two-year-old Harley Rigby will inspire Queenslanders to turn their small change into support for sick kids, becoming the face of this year’s Woolworths Small Change Appeal to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Throughout October, customers shopping at Woolworths supermarkets in Queensland will have the option to round up their shop at self-checkouts or purchase a $2 Appeal token at serviced check-outs.

At just five months old, Harley had already experienced more adversity than most do in a lifetime –undergoing two open-heart surgeries for his hypoplastic left heart syndrome, one of the rarest and severe heart defects. Now, his family wants to give back and encourage the community to help sick kids – just like him – through sharing his story.

According to Harley’s Mum, Lisa McColl: “For heart kids like Harley, going home is often just the start of long journey – he needs to regularly return to hospital for appointments to monitor his cardiac function, cardiac valves, blood oxygen saturations, growth and developmental progress.”

“He will need at least one more open-heart surgery in his life, and we want to do everything we can to support him when this operation happens.”

All funds raised will help purchase cutting-edge equipment, support vital research and provide on the ground support for sick Queensland kids and their families. Children’s Hospital Foundation CEO, Lyndsey Rice said: “Since this very special partnership began back in 1986, Woolworths customers have helped change the lives of thousands of sick Queensland kids and contributed more than 65 million dollars to the Children’s Hospital Foundation.”

“A $2 donation on check-out can make a huge impact for sick kids and we are incredibly humbled to have the support of the Woolworths community this October,” she added.

Woolworths General Manager Queensland, Danny Baldwin said: “We are extremely grateful to our customers in Queensland for their generosity.”

“We continue to see strong momentum for the Small Change Appeal from the local community each year, which has had a huge impact across the state to fund services and equipment for the Children’s Hospital Foundation as they continue to help kids thrive.”

Children’s Hospital Foundation support at all Woolworths stores across Queensland until 24 October 2023.





